How to Make Good Records
Make a record of each incident as soon as possible after the event. It will be more believed. Ideally upload your record at the place the event occurred to verify your evidence by location. Go to our guidance videos for help.
Take a photo or video, add a photo or video from your device, add a document or make an audio recording.
By the way, photos, videos or audio recordings you take within the app will not be stored on your device.
Stick to the facts, include who was there and with what results. Quote the actual words used where possible. Tell the truth and don’t exaggerate. Don’t include the names or contact details of other people who witnessed the event (e.g. bystanders). Make a new label and a new record for these details.
If you have names and contact details of witnesses, make a new label for this information and enter it with the same date time and location as the original record. This enables you to keep some information separate from your account of the event so that you or your lawyer can get statements from witnesses without anyone else talking to them first.
Enter the date and time of the event – not the time you upload it, which is the default. The app records when the record was uploaded but you need the record to be sorted into the right order in the timeline.
This is a measure of how important or how upsetting the event was. It can apply to the impact on other people as well if you choose. Scoring impact will help you to find the most important events later.
This should be where the event took place which may be important for the credibility of your evidence. If the event was not at your current location, then the app will show that you weren’t there when you uploaded the address.
Don’t upload your record until you are sure it’s ready. Once it’s uploaded you won’t be able to change your original record (this is to save you from undermining the credibility of your evidence) but you can add an amendment at any time or delete it if you wish (the disadvantage of deleting is that a new record will show the date it was made as well as the date of the event and this may undermine its credibility). To add an amendment, open the record and tap on the 3 dot menu at the top right. The amend option will appear (for more help, see our guidance videos).
To change a label name or colour, tap on the label name. To add new labels, so as to organise your records under more than one heading, go to the menu and tap ‘New Label’. For example, if you have names and contact details of witnesses, you can make a new label ‘Witnesses’ for this information.
If you need to change or add to a record, you can add an amendment. You can delete but you cannot edit an uploaded record but your amendment can include new information or corrections. To add an amendment, open the record and tap on the 3 dot menu at the top right. The amend option will appear (for more help, see our guidance videos).