Securely manage and share important personal records and evidence

Save, access, organise and share vital information and evidence confidentially, anywhere and at any time. Peace of mind comes with secure storage of your legal, medical and other sensitive personal records.

Do it right. Don’t be caught out

ONRECORD guides you to prepare a complete record and forensically sound evidence.  Trying to keep records on paper, in a digital diary or notes is inadequate, risky and can ultimately be costly.  Don’t rely on taking assorted bits of evidence in different formats and leaving the costly job to professionals to organise it into a document. ONRECORD presents your evidence convincingly, with proof of timing and location.  Share online with professionals or other support.

Helping you keep records that make your evidence clear, complete and credible.

Wherever you are getting advice or help, be in control of your own information and evidence. Work securely and collaboratively with your adviser.  Save time and money

Find all our advice and guidance about domestic abuse, stalking, harassment, parental alienation, family court cases, representing yourself in court and neighbour, workplace, health services or social services disputes and lots more on this website

Prove the time.
Prove the location.

ONRECORD shows the time and location of when and where your record was uploaded to prove that it was made when your memory was fresh and where the event happened.

Connect to an adviser.
Get the support you need.

ONRECORD allows you to share your records with a trusted adviser and use secure in-app messaging.

Accounts for professionals are free.  Ask your professional adviser to contact us at [email protected] or they can register for their free account here:


The security, confidentiality and effectiveness of your evidence are our highest priorities.  The professional integrity and expert knowledge of the founders, Dr George Hibbert, with extensive experience as an expert medical witness, and Jill Canvin, a solicitor, are the driving force behind ONRECORD which is packed with features to protect your privacy and to make it as easy as possible for you to prepare the most compelling and reliable evidence.  ONRECORD is specifically designed to gather evidence that may be used in court or in any dispute and to streamline communications with your lawyer.  We recognise the confidentiality and sensitivity of the information you record and take these responsibilities seriously.

Build your case by gathering your evidence when and where it happens

Save legal fees (and time) by recording and organising as much of your evidence yourself as you can

Prove patterns of harmful behaviour by recording all the details yourself, without having to contact professionals each time and in a form others can easily understand

Login on any mobile device or computer to access your records

Ensure your records have all the essential details – our input screen leads you through the key headings

Use our mobile technology to make even better records with on-the-spot photos, time-stamping and verified location

Link supporting evidence (video, audio, screenshots, documents etc) to your record of events to make more compelling evidence

Simplify complex evidence using ‘cases’ and ‘labels’ and use ONRECORD as an easy-to-understand filing system

Never lose or mislay evidence. It is safely stored online

Upload or review your records at any time and any place

Use our built in protections against accusations of evidence tampering

Keep safe – if you’re at risk, delete the app when not in use and reload it when required. Your records will be safe

When you are ready, securely share your records with chosen professionals to get support and advice

Share your records confidentially with trusted supporters such as family or friends

Download and print records in date/time order in a format you can use in court

Quickly search and find records by date/time, location, impact, attachments or key words
