Litigants in Person

10 Keys to Good Evidence

Your task, when giving evidence, it to persuade the court.  You do not need to try to persuade the opposition parties, their lawyers or, indeed, your own lawyers.  It is only the court’s opinion that will matter in the end.  So when you want to give good, effective and convincing evidence, you need to understand what the court regards as good evidence.

Here are 10 key points to remember when you have to give evidence.

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cafcass assessment

Gather Evidence If You Are Representing Yourself in the Family Court

When you represent yourself in a contested family case, in other words without a lawyer, you are called a ‘litigant in person’ (LIP).  It’s an extremely daunting experience and the best way to cope is to understand the process, read up about the issues, get good advice and guidance and be organised so as to make sure you do what’s necessary.  For the professionals involved it’s their jobs.  For you it’s your life and much more stressful. The better prepared you are the less likely you are to be overwhelmed. 

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