Make Your Case.

Don't let people underestimate your story.

ONRECORD helps you gather and prepare your evidence in a secure and simple mobile app. Log each incident as it occurs, create a timeline of events, generate reports to support your case and share your evidence with supportive professionals if you choose to. ONRECORD was founded by Dr George Hibbert and Jill Canvin LLB, who are experienced legal and medical professionals who have spent many years helping clients gather and prepare evidence.

New Record Screen

Key Benefits

Getting your evidence organised and making it accessible will force people to take you seriously.

Access Professional Advice

Securely link your records to any advice service, professional or other source of guidance.

Own Your Evidence

Fully portable records allow you to easily share your evidence with the people you trust.

Easily Explain

Allow professional advisers to quickly understand your situation and provide specialist help, saving you fees.

Reduce Legal Costs

Don’t rely on your memory and avoid lengthy solicitor meetings by keeping good records.

Get Confidential Support

After long careers in the law and medicine our founders share their wide ranging experience.

Stay Safe

Your records are protected by PIN or fingerprint and data transfers are fully encrypted.

How Does It Work?

Whatever your problem or the solution, you must always keep a clear and detailed record of what’s happening. If you don’t, you’re not collecting the evidence you will need to get help and find solutions. Without good records you are left relying on your memory and it may be easy to ignore, challenge or contradict you, making you look confused or dishonest.

It’s difficult, time-consuming and expensive to ask a professional adviser to sort through and convert paper records into a useful document. ONRECORD has the answer…

Automatic Tagging

Your records are automatically saved with the time and location.

Impact Ratings

Rate the seriousness of an incident to easily find important records later.


Export reports in date order and easily share your evidence.


Link directly with advice agencies and other professional organisations.

Media Uploads

Add events in text or voice format and include photos, videos and documents.

Simple Organisation

Add as many headings or labels as you want, colour-coded for easy access.

New Record Screen

1. Upload Records

Record and save evidence as soon as things happen and you are safe to do so. Everything you upload is stored together securely to give the fullest picture of what happened and preserve its value as evidence.

If you have a complex problem you can keep records under more than one heading or label.

Who Can We Help?

Who Are We?

After long careers in the law and in medicine, Jill Canvin and George Hibbert have seen many people with serious life problems, unable to afford the help they need. They will show you how to save money and time by doing key tasks yourself.

Jill Canvin

Co-Founder & Lawyer
George Hibbert

George Hibbert

Co-Founder & Doctor

Jill and George offer expert guidance with informative podcasts, videos and written tutorials. Why do you need to gather evidence? What do you have to show to make your case? How do you make a good record? What are the best techniques for building a chronology of evidence? How do you write a witness statement?

Partner Programme


ONRECORD works closely with a wide range of organisations in their effort to help people overcome their difficulties. Workers can monitor a caseload through the mobile app and records can be shared with other agencies and professionals. Our current partners and associates are listed below.

Records can be input by an individual or any group that shares a common problem. Filter complex records to see the input of any individual or group. Uploaded records, bring together text and media attachments and are conveniently tagged for place and time. Important incidents are clearly identifiable with impact ratings. Create chronological reports with attachments.

If your organisation would like to find out more about the ONRECORD partner programme, we would love to hear from you.


Immediate Access for Professionals

We provide immediate free access to ONRECORD for organisations and professionals who need to view their client’s records. Please follow our simple registration process to connect with your client’s evidence now.

Sign up now

At the moment, the ONRECORD web application and mobile app are completely free to users. Please complete the registration form below to activate your login. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and start building your evidence today. Take a closer look at the advanced features and read our guidance on how to keep effective records.

Download ONRECORD from App Store
Download ONRECORD from Google Play
Timeline Screen